Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Christmas Wishlist

Hello my glamorous girls,
Ah, first world problems… What to ask for Christmas (or my birthday)? What to buy for a girl who has everything she needs and isn’t materialistic whatsoever?  Probably a question that struck my parents a couple years ago, when I decided I was too old to play with Barbie’s anymore. 
It appeared to me that some of their creativity has faded away into nagging about my presents. This usually resulted in me asking things I didn't need (except for my absolutely amazing watch). But this year something changed in me. The changes are so extreme that I have an entire list of things I want. Today I wanted to share my list for you and maybe give some ideas those of you who have the same problem as I apparently used to have.

1.       A Molskine Notebook, Star Wars edition.
I love Star Wars, a lot. Anything SW would make me happy, but the combination of SW and Notebooks is like heaven. This notebook was just made for me and I think that I might as well allow myself to ask for it as a Christmas present.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

MAC Lipstick And Blush

Goodday my fancy fall leaves,

Let's review some awesome MAC products that remind me of fall! Fall is my favorite time of the year, because of all the beautiful colours and scents. We can all enjoy fall till the 21st of December, that's when winter officially sticks his head around the corner. To be honest I'll just drag the fall spirit into the wet & freezing cold winter in Holland. It seems strange to me that California stays warm, even during the winter. Let's be real girls, California isn't cold, ever... period.
Anyways...On todays menu we have a burgundy lipstick and a warm blush. I bought them at Harrods a couple weeks back but today it's time to review them.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Personal: My Bucket List.

Hello my marvelous masterpieces,

Today I want to talk to you about bucket lists. What are bucket lists? Why do I have one? Do you need one?

First thing first: What is a bucket list?  A bucket list is a list with things you want to do before you die. Many people think that a bucket list only consists of things that are hard to accomplish, like becoming a millionair or owning an Audi R8. But that's not true. You can see that in a minute when I go through some of the things on my  bucket list.

Now, you might be wondering: Why would I need a bucket list and why do you have one? What if you die before you've accomplished all of your listings? Or what if you accomplish everything on your bucket list and probably won't die soon? Does that take away all of your spirit once you have nothing to live up to?

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Review: Sleek Pout Paint.

Good afternoon my delightful cherry bonbons,

While in London, I bought a Sleek Pout Paint in the colour 159 Port. I wanted to buy one for a pretty long time, but in Holland we're only able to get them online and I didn't want to pay 3.95 euros for the shipping of two or three pout paints.
So I was very glad I saw Sleek products in Superdrug. At first I wanted to buy the blue one and the white one for things like halloween. Then I thought to myself that Halloween make up would be cheaper and less sticky on my skin. That's why I opted for Port. It seemed like the perfect colour for Fall and Winter.
Want to know my opinion on this Pout Paint? Then continue reading.